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[영어회화공부_네이버오늘의회화 8/14] I thought you were well-off [ step 1. 대 화 ] I hate to ask you this. But could you lend me some money? I'm sorry. l've already spent all my paycheck except maybe twenty dollars. You've gone through all your money? I thought you were well-off. False assumption! Moneys always burns a hole in my pocket. [ step 2. 해 석 ] I hate to ask you this. But could you lend me some money? 정말 이런 부탁하기 싫은데 나 돈 좀 빌려줄래? I'm sorry. l've already ..
[영어회화공부_네이버오늘의회화 8/11] I just forgot to turn off my laptop [ Step 1. 대 화 ] You look like you're fuming. What's going on? My mom is being so ridiculous recently. She once again made a mountain out of molehill and got mad at me. What is she mad about? I just forgot to turn off my laptop. Well... You know she has been under a lot of pressure these days. I know she has been depressed a lot lately, but she can't take her anger out on me. [ Step 2. 해 석 ] You ..
[영어회화공부_네이버오늘의회화 8/8] It is very confusing to know what to eat [ step 1. 대 화 ] " 어떤 음식을 먹어야 하는지 헷갈려요 " Doctor, What is the best way to stay healthy? You need to eat healthy foods and avoid unhealthy foods. It is very confusing to know what to eat. You need plenty of fruits and vegetables, small amounts of peotein, and whole grains. Are there certain things that i should avoid? You need to avoid highly fatty and greasy foods. What else is important to stay h..
[영어회화공부_네이버오늘의회화 8/7]I always buy a lot of things for my family. [ Step 1. 대 화 ] ' 난 항상 가족들을 위해 많은 물건을 사' I want to look at the souvenirs at the souvenir stand. Do you have anything in particular that you are looking for? I always buy a lot of things for my family. What are some of their favorite gifts? My wife loves to get little jewelry boxes like those on the top shelf. This stuff is pretty expensive, isn't it? Souvenirs cost a lot for what they are. [ Ste..
[영어회화공부_네이버오늘의회화 8/4]I haven't been sleeping well [ Step 1. 대 화 ] ' 나 잠을 잘 못 잤어 ' How have you been doing lately? I haven't been sleeping well. Do you have time to get the right amount of sleep? What time do you usually go to bed? I usually try to go to bed around 11:00 PM or so during the week. Have you been under a lot of stress lately? I just lost my job, and I am unsure about able to find another one. [ Step 2. 해 석 ] How have you been doing..